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490 products

  • Sale -10% brightstars Aufbewahrung Hochwertige Griffe / Henkel für Taschen D-Form

    brightstars design Holz Griffe / Henkel für Taschen und Körbe D-Form

    Auf Lager

    Stilvoll und einzigartig: Unsere handgefertigten Taschengriffe ! Mache dein DIY-Projekt zu etwas Besonderem mit unseren D-förmigen Taschengriffen. Diese Henkel sind das i-Tüpfelchen für deine Strandtasche, deine Handtasche oder deiner eleganten Clutch. Mit ihrem halbrunden Design verleihen sie deiner Arbeit einen stilvollen Ausdruck. Egal, ob du häkelst, strickst oder Makrameetaschen kreierst, diese Griffe sind perfekt dafür geeignet.Unsere Taschengriffe werden im praktischen 2er-Set verkauft. Du hast außerdem die Möglichkeit, sie personalisieren zu lassen. Trage den gewünschten Text einfach in das Kommentarfeld "Personalisierung" ein. Wenn du dein Logo auf den Taschengriffen möchtest, dann sende uns dieses per Email an hello@brightstarsdesign. Die Logos können allerdings nicht zu groß sein.

    11,90 € 10,71 €

  • brightstars Holzperlen 10 mm / 10 Stück Helle Natur Holzperlen in drei Größen - 10 mm bis 16 mm

    brightstars design Wooden beads made of natural wood in three sizes

    Auf Lager

    Whether for lamps, mobiles or wall hangings: Available in different sizes, the wooden beads made of natural wood add a decorative eye-catcher to every macrame project. Supplied in a set of 10, they are the perfect combination partner for yarn and Co. Since these are natural materials, the colors may differ from the pictures Available in different sizes, from 10 to 16 mm. Product information Delivery time:2 - 5 working days Materials:Orbs made of natural wood Dimensions:▪ diameter: 10 mm, hole: 2 mm▪ diameter: 12 mm, hole: 3 mm▪ diameter: 14 mm, hole : 4mm Scope of delivery: 1 x set of 10 wooden beads

    1,90 € - 4,70 €

  • brightstars Gewachstes Polyestergarn 208 - Grau / 10 m Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn, 1 mm für Schmuck - Farbe Grau (208)

    Linhasita Grau (208) | Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn 1 mm | Verschiedene Längen | Für Schmuck

    Auf Lager

    Das gewachste Garn von Linhasita® mit einem Durchmesser von 1mm ist reißfest und sehr widerstandsfähig.  Die Marke Linhasita® ist in der Handwerkswelt für ihre hervorragende Qualität und Langlebigkeit bekannt. Die strahlenden Farben verblassen weder durch Kontakt mit Wasser noch durch Sonneneinstrahlung. So behalten die gefertigten Kunststücke ihre Farben und Form über Jahre hinweg und werden zum treuen Wegbegleiter.Das Garn besteht aus 2 Fäden, die zu einer Dicke von 1mm zusammengedreht sind. Die Garnenden brennen rückstandsfrei und sauber ab. Wir weisen daraufhin dass aufgrund unterschiedlicher Lichtverhältnisse und Bildschirmauflösungen die Farben auf den Bildern leicht abweichen können, jedoch sehr gering.Die Farbcodes sind die aktuellen Linhasita® Codes. Mit den Farbcodes kannst du also problemlos eine bestimmte Farbe nachbestellen. Produktempfehlung:   Mit Mikro-Makramee-Maker-Produkt können wunderschöne Arm- und Fußbändchen geknüpft werden. Der Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.  -> Zum Arm- und Fußbändchen-Maker Produktinformationen Lieferzeit:2-5 Tage! Materialien:1mm gewachstes Polyester Maße:▪ verfügbar in 1,0 mm: 10, 20 und 180 m (ganze Rolle) Lieferumfang: ▪ je nach Bestellung, Farbe Grau Deko ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten

    2,05 € - 9,10 €0,21 € / m

  • brightstars Maker-Equipment 360 - Pflaume / 10 m Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn 1mm für Schmuck Pflaume (360)

    Linhasita Linhasita® Waxed Polyester Thread 1mm for Jewelery Plum (360)

    Auf Lager

    The waxed yarn from Linhasita® with a diameter of 1mm is tear-resistant and very durable. The Linhasita® brand is well known in the crafting world for its superior quality and durability. The bright colors do not fade from contact with water or exposure to sunlight. In this way, the manufactured pieces of art keep their colors and shape for years and become a faithful companion.The yarn consists of 2 threads that are twisted together to a thickness of 1mm. The yarn ends burn off cleanly and without leaving any residue. We would like to point out that due to different lighting conditions and screen resolutions, the colors in the pictures may vary slightly, but very slightly.The color codes are the current Linhasita® codes. With the color codes you can easily reorder a specific color. Product recommendation: To make it easier to thread the beads, I recommend the small threader -> To the threader Beautiful bracelets and anklets can be knotted with the micro macrame maker product. The imagination knows no limits. -> To the bracelet and anklet maker Product information Delivery time:2-5 days! Materials:1mm waxed polyester Dimensions:▪ available in 10, 20 and 180 m (complete roll) Scope of delivery: ▪ depending on the order, color plum Decoration is not included

    2,05 € - 9,10 €0,21 € / m

  • brightstars Maker-Equipment 328 - Fluo Pink / 10 m Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn 1mm für Schmuck Fluo Pink (326)

    Linhasita Linhasita® Waxed Polyester Thread 1mm for Jewelry Fluo Yellow (326)

    Auf Lager

     The waxed thread from Linhasita® with a diameter of 1mm is tear-resistant and very durable. The Linhasita® brand is well known in the crafting world for its superior quality and durability. The bright colors do not fade from contact with water or exposure to sunlight. In this way, the manufactured pieces of art keep their colors and shape for years and become a faithful companion.The yarn consists of 2 threads that are twisted together to a thickness of 1mm. The yarn ends burn off cleanly and without leaving any residue. We would like to point out that due to different lighting conditions and screen resolutions, the colors in the pictures may vary slightly, but very slightly.The color codes are the current Linhasita® codes. With the color codes you can easily reorder a specific color. Product recommendation: To make it easier to thread the beads, I recommend the small threader -> To the threader Beautiful bracelets and anklets can be knotted with the micro macrame maker product. The imagination knows no limits. -> To the bracelet and anklet maker Product information Delivery time:2-5 days! Materials:1mm waxed polyester Dimensions:▪ Available in 10 and 20 m Scope of delivery: ▪ depending on the order, color fluorescent yellow Decoration is not included

    2,05 € - 9,10 €0,21 € / m

  • brightstars Maker-Equipment 915 - Pink / 10 m Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn 1mm für Schmuck Pink (915)

    Linhasita Linhasita® Waxed Polyester Thread 1mm for Jewelery Pink (915)

    Auf Lager

    The waxed yarn from Linhasita® with a diameter of 1mm is tear-resistant and very durable. The Linhasita® brand is well known in the crafting world for its superior quality and durability. The bright colors do not fade from contact with water or exposure to sunlight. In this way, the manufactured pieces of art keep their colors and shape for years and become a faithful companion.The yarn consists of 2 threads that are twisted together to a thickness of 1mm. The yarn ends burn off cleanly and without leaving any residue. We would like to point out that due to different lighting conditions and screen resolutions, the colors in the pictures may vary slightly, but very slightly.The color codes are the current Linhasita® codes. With the color codes you can easily reorder a specific color. Product recommendation: To make it easier to thread the beads, I recommend the small threader -> To the threader Beautiful bracelets and anklets can be knotted with the micro macrame maker product. The imagination knows no limits. -> To the bracelet and anklet maker Product information Delivery time:2-5 days! Materials:1mm waxed polyester Dimensions:▪ available in 10, 20 and 180 m (complete roll) Scope of delivery: ▪ depending on the order, color pink Decoration is not included

    2,05 € - 9,10 €0,21 € / m

  • brightstars Gewachstes Polyestergarn Jeans  (384) - Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn, 1 mm für Schmuck

    Linhasita Jeans (384) | Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn 1 mm | Verschiedene Längen | Für Schmuck

    Auf Lager

    Das gewachste Garn von Linhasita® mit einem Durchmesser von 1mm ist reißfest und sehr widerstandsfähig.  Die Marke Linhasita® ist in der Handwerkswelt für ihre hervorragende Qualität und Langlebigkeit bekannt. Die strahlenden Farben verblassen weder durch Kontakt mit Wasser noch durch Sonneneinstrahlung. So behalten die gefertigten Kunststücke ihre Farben und Form über Jahre hinweg und werden zum treuen Wegbegleiter.Das Garn besteht aus 2 Fäden, die zu einer Dicke von 1mm zusammengedreht sind. Die Garnenden brennen rückstandsfrei und sauber ab. Wir weisen daraufhin dass aufgrund unterschiedlicher Lichtverhältnisse und Bildschirmauflösungen die Farben auf den Bildern leicht abweichen können, jedoch sehr gering.Die Farbcodes sind die aktuellen Linhasita® Codes. Mit den Farbcodes kannst du also problemlos eine bestimmte Farbe nachbestellen. Deko ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten!

    2,05 € - 9,10 €0,21 € / m

  • brightstars Maker-Equipment 218 - Sonnengelb / 10 m Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn 1mm für Schmuck Sonnengelb (218)

    Linhasita Linhasita® waxed polyester thread 1mm for jewelery sun yellow (218)

    Auf Lager

    The waxed yarn from Linhasita® with a diameter of 1mm is tear-resistant and very durable. The Linhasita® brand is well known in the crafting world for its superior quality and durability. The bright colors do not fade from contact with water or exposure to sunlight. In this way, the manufactured pieces of art keep their colors and shape for years and become a faithful companion.The yarn consists of 2 threads that are twisted together to a thickness of 1mm. The yarn ends burn off cleanly and without leaving any residue. We would like to point out that due to different lighting conditions and screen resolutions, the colors in the pictures may vary slightly, but very slightly.The color codes are the current Linhasita® codes. With the color codes you can easily reorder a specific color. Product recommendation: To make it easier to thread the beads, I recommend the small threader -> To the threader Beautiful bracelets and anklets can be knotted with the micro macrame maker product. The imagination knows no limits. -> To the bracelet and anklet maker Product information Delivery time:2-5 days! Materials:1mm waxed polyester Dimensions:• Available in 5m, 10m and 20m Scope of delivery: ▪ depending on the order, color sun yellow Decoration is not included

    2,05 € - 9,10 €0,21 € / m

  • brightstars Maker-Equipment 231 - Eisblau / 10 m Linhasita® gewachstes Polyestergarn 1mm für Schmuck Eisblau (231)

    Linhasita Linhasita® Waxed Polyester Thread 1mm for Jewelry Ice Blue (231)

    Auf Lager

    The waxed yarn from Linhasita® with a diameter of 1mm is tear-resistant and very durable. The Linhasita® brand is well known in the crafting world for its superior quality and durability. The bright colors do not fade from contact with water or exposure to sunlight. In this way, the manufactured pieces of art keep their colors and shape for years and become a faithful companion.The yarn consists of 2 threads that are twisted together to a thickness of 1mm. The yarn ends burn off cleanly and without leaving any residue. We would like to point out that due to different lighting conditions and screen resolutions, the colors in the pictures may vary slightly, but very slightly.The color codes are the current Linhasita® codes. With the color codes you can easily reorder a specific color. Product recommendation: To make it easier to thread the beads, I recommend the small threader -> To the threader Beautiful bracelets and anklets can be knotted with the micro macrame maker product. The imagination knows no limits. -> To the bracelet and anklet maker Product information Delivery time:2-5 days! Materials:1mm waxed polyester Dimensions:▪ available in 10, 20 and 180 m (complete roll) Scope of delivery: ▪ depending on the order, color vanilla Decoration is not included

    2,05 € - 9,10 €0,21 € / m

  • brightstars Dekorationswerkzeuge für Kunstarbeiten Makramee Garn I mehrfach gedreht I 3 mm x 100 m I Tannengrün

    Goldmariechen Macrame yarn I twisted several times I 3 mm x 100 m I fir green

    Auf Lager

    Macrame yarn from goldmariechen consists of 100% pure cotton and impresses with a natural look and a pleasant feeling when working with it. It is easy to comb and at the same time robust enough to master even demanding projects such as dream catchers or wall hangings. It is also wonderful for making feathers, tassels, keychains and also for crocheting, knitting and/or weaving. Made in Europe, plastic-free and climate-neutral. With this yarn, you are choosing yarn of the highest quality and that extra portion of sustainability for your projects. Product information Delivery time:2 - 5 working days Materials:- 100% natural cotton - climate neutrally manufactured - plastic-free packaging Dimensions:Colour: 3 mm x 100m multi-twisted yarnScope of delivery: 1 x spool of yarn depending on order price per meter: 0.12 € I m

    11,99 € 0,12 € / m

  • brightstars Wunderschöner Seestern Stein  für DIY Ohrring Armband Halskette Schmuckherstellung

    brightstars design Seestern Stein für DIY Ohrring Armband Halskette Schmuckherstellung

    Auf Lager

    Diese Seesterne sind nicht nur unglaublich schön, sondern auch aus natürlichem Material gefertigt. Sie eignen sich perfekt für Halsketten, Ohrringe, Arm- und Fußbänder und passen ideal zu verschiedenen Stilen wie Boho- und Ethnostyle.

    2,90 €

  • brightstars Knüpfhilfen Small: 30 x 5 cm Clamp & Knot Knüpfhilfe

    brightstars design Clamp & Knot knotting aid

    Auf Lager

    Whether for bags or belts: the Clamp & Knot knotting aid will become a unique essential for your next DIY projects and will make your creative work easier. Available in two different sizes, the knotting aid can be used to attach macramees at different heights to the knotting stand. Get inspired! Product information Delivery time: 2 - 5 business days Materials: ▪ Main body made of ash wood (light) ▪ Loops with snap button: faux leather ▪ Screw with wing screw for closing Dimensions: ▪ Small: length 30 x 5 cm, screw length 6 cm ▪ Large: length 55 x 5 cm, screw length 6 cm Scope of delivery: 1 x Clamp & Knot

    47,90 € - 59,90 €

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