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brightstars Bürsten Makramee Bürste mit Edelstahlstiften in den Größen S und M

Your Place To Be For Makramee

Alles rund um Makramee.

brightstars Großes Makramee Tischknüpfständer Set

Wenn Du Teil unserer Makramee Workshop Kooperation sein möchtest, dann melde dich bei mir und wir besprechen die Details! Bestelle dein persönliches Starterpaket und Workshopset mit einem individuellen Code.

Werde Kooperationspartner!



The love of creativity, natural materials and DIYs brought me to macrame. My name is Nicole, I'm 52 years old and I'm from near Stuttgart.
Together with my husband and my 17-year-old daughter, I developed the idea of ​​the perfect yarn dispenser.

It all started with a falling spool of yarn, which I had to set up again ten times during a macrame. This was not only annoying, but frustrated me to the point that I had to find a solution to this problem. I asked my husband to fix four sticks on a board with screws - not pretty, but at that point it was already practical and much more efficient.

Together we developed the idea further - towards a yarn dispenser that not only saves time when Macrame saves, but also looks good and connects all things that are important to me: design, sustainability, nature and craftsmanship.

My vision is that I can share my love for macrame with many people and everyone who Possibility to facilitate the production of macrame with my products. We shouldn't be stopped by falling thread spools or wrong accessories and lose interest in it.



Macrame is a knotting technique that came to Europe from the Orient via Spain and is still an integral part of the world of furnishing today. As early as the 1970s, macrame experienced a boom that has never really diminished to this day, but has reached its peak today. Macrame is more popular than ever, and not only the purchase of the knotting things, but also DIYs around macrame are experiencing an upswing.

For us, macrame is more than just knotting yarn into beautiful paintings, for us Macrame means living out our ideas. Old objects are changed, redesigned and upgraded. This is how empty bottles and glasses get a new look and beautify your own four walls.

Macrame is at the same time rest, hobby and stress reliever and ensures that we forget the world around us for a moment. That's why we love macrame and with our products we want to ensure that your hobby isn't disturbed or even bothered by bad accessories, falling spools of thread or other obstacles. We are always in the process of further developing our products, reacting to external influences and thus never letting the trend around your favorite hobby come to an end.

Ehrliche Meinungen

Was unsere Kunden sagen.

Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesen Produkten. Sie sind gut durchdacht und entwickelt, aus hochwertigem Holz gefertigt und für mich personalisiert. Sie erleichtern einem das Makramee Handwerk :)!

Marvelliz Filiz

Wundervolles und hochwertiges Zubehör für Makramee. Viele kleine Goodies, die das Herz erwärmen und noch dazu super schneller Versand (Amazon-Like)! Nicole nimmt sich wahnsinnig viel Zeit um Gespräche zu führen, um eine Lösung zu finden oder Tipps zu geben. Tausend Dank für alles 🤍 meine nächste Bestellung kommt morgen an 🥳

Sarah Eißen

Super tolle Produkte für's Makramee-Knüpfen. Habe ich sonst nirgendwo gefunden. Einfach toll und vielseitig!

Petra Lercher

Sehr netter Kontakt, tolle Produkte und schneller Versand. Topp

Marion Gerbken

brightstars design ist ein ganz toller Makramee Shop, der für jeden kreativen Kopf das passende Equipment und Material bereithält, um wunderschöne Unikate zu kreieren. Die Lieferung erfolgt zuverlässig und sehr schnell. Meine absoluten Lieblingsprodukte sind die Messlatte und der Garnabroller - beides erleichtert mir das Leben und lässt mich meine Makramees deutlich schneller anfertigen. Sowohl für Profis als auch Makramee Neulinge ist brightstars design eine große Bereicherung! Vielen Dank für eure tolle Arbeit ❤️

Anna Schlangen